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Five Organizations Making An Impact on Prison Reform

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

A thriving community is comprised of people who contribute to making it inclusive and welcoming for all, including those who at one time found themselves on the wrong side of the law.

Prison reform looks at correctional institution programs--either present or needed--that help incarcerated people thrive upon release. With a big focus on reentry, prison reform betters communities by reducing recidivism and creating pathways to independence and well-being.

These five organizations are making a big impact on prison reform, reentry, and support. Each is a partner of our upcoming Thriving Communities Gathering November 10-12.

1. Fountain Fund Charlottesville, VA -

The Fountain Fund increases economic opportunities for formerly incarcerated people to improve their lives and remain in their communities.

The Fountain Fund envisions that all formerly incarcerated people and their families have hope and opportunity.

2. One Parish One Prisoner -

Seeks to build supportive pre-release relationships with just one person returning to their community from prison.

"One Parish, One Prisoner" pairs a congregation with someone released to their area and guides a 7-person team (including the pastor) through a two-year journey of relationship-building, release planning, and holistic reentry support together

They believe this could empty the prison system over time and transform each community.

3. Freedom Project Washington -

Freedom Project works alongside the community to dismantle the institution of mass incarceration and heal its traumatic effects on individuals directly impacted by incarceration, on their loved ones, and on our community.

As a community-centered and culturally-responsive organization, we come from, are in, and are directed by the community we seek to serve – working to center those most impacted and marginalized, especially Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color. We create space for collective healing and liberation by seeing each other for our humanity, meeting needs as defined by individuals and by the community, and amplifying the power that already exists among us.

4. HUY Cares -

Huy provides economic, educational, rehabilitative, and religious support for Indigenous prisoners in the Pacific Northwest and throughout the United States. Huy primarily raises monies and receives gifts, to in turn be gifted, for the benefit of American indigenous prisoners.

To carry out those goals, Huy partners with tribal governments, state government corrections, and other agencies, higher educational institutions, non-profit and charitable entities, privately owned businesses, and compassionate American citizens.

5. CHOOSE 180 -

CHOOSE 180 serves as an emergency room for young people in crisis. They help them identify what’s wrong, the behaviors that keep them stuck, and the path toward positive change. They surround youth and young adults with a community of support that connects them to the resources and supports necessary to live out their commitment to CHOOSE 180.

CHOOSE 180 has an emphasis on serving youth and young adults who are engaged in activities that, if gone ignored, would likely result in escalating negative behavior and substantial lifelong consequences.


Learn more about our upcoming Gathering and how you can get involved.

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